Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Contract On Children

Contract On Children Review

In this sobering two-part analysis of the ancient war of ages against the young, Winkie Pratney draws on both ancient history and serious statistics in the light of Scripture set against God's purpose and destiny for children. Moving from the characteristics of the child-like heart that is the model of a Kingdom citizen to the roots of the occult targeting of their lives, this powerful study of what William Booth founder of the Salvation Army called "Devil Take The Youngest" is a landmark look at what is the largest battle for souls in the Bible. You will not like this look at the dark side, but it will stir you up to do something about it. "I just finished ... it. I hated it. It is the worst .. Thank you for writing it." (Betty Elliot, widow of the martyred Jim Elliot of End of the Spear.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.

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